CodeSegment CodeSegment
Software Technologies


SMS Studio Connections

SMS Studio communicates with Short Message Entities (e.g. SMS gateway, SMS center, or mobile device) in order to exchange SMS messages.


A connection in SMS Studio defines the type and the properties of an SME. The following connection types are supported:

  • CSP Connection - Connects to an SMS Studio Server application through CSP protocol (high-performance protocol for connecting CodeSegment applications).
  • CSP Server Connection - Accepts a connection from an SMS Studio application through CSP protocol.
  • Email Connection - Sends and receives email messages by using SMTP and POP3 protocols.
  • EMI/UCP Connection - Connects to an SMS center through EMI/UCP protocol (v3.1.2, v3.5, v4.0, v4.5, v4.6).
  • EMI/UCP Server Connection - Accepts a connection from another application through EMI/UCP protocol.
  • Emulator Connection - A special type of connection that emulates an SME which receives and sends messages (useful tool for testing purposes).
  • External Application Connection - Runs external applications to send and receive messages.
  • FBUS Connection - Uses SIM card inserted into a Nokia mobile phone connected through serial connection (RS232 or USB). Consult Supported Devices.
  • GSM AT Connection - Uses SIM card inserted into a mobile device (phone or modem) connected through serial connection (RS232, IrDA, USB or Bluetooth). Consult Supported Devices.
  • HTTP Connection - Connects to an SMS gateway through HTTP protocol (fully adaptable to various SMS gateways requirements).
  • Loopback Connection - Returns back sent messages (useful for exchanging messages between services).
  • ODBC Connection - Uses a database as an SMS gateway, thus enabling external entities (e.g. application, web service, etc.) to exchange messages with SMS Studio.
  • SMPP Connection - Connects to an SMS gateway through SMPP protocol (v3.3, v3.4 and v5.0).
  • SMPP Server Connection - Accepts a connection from another application through SMPP protocol.

Connection Dialog - Connection     Connection Dialog - Account     Connection Dialog - Redirect


Last update: February 1, 2025