CodeSegment CodeSegment
Software Technologies


SMS Studio Changelog

Legend: ADD - Added, FIX - Fixed, MOD - Modified, REM - Removed

Version (20.11.2024)

MOD: Reworked Status box

ADD: Text parameters modifiers - json_escape and json_unescape

FIX: Text parameters modifier - extract_by_index

ADD: Originated date in duplicate ID hash options

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (6.6.2024)

ADD: Account loop prevention for forwarded outgoing messages

ADD: Connections - Add tags to forwarded outgoing messages option

REM: Tags $FailureInfo and $DLRStatus

MOD: Improved main files export to database

Version (14.5.2024)

ADD: Tools menu - Send and Receive Messages from File options

MOD: Improved duplicate incoming messages detection and handling

ADD: Connections - Override delivered time with current time option

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (6.12.2023)

ADD: Info Service - Log retry reasons option

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (6.6.2023)

MOD: Improved maintenance algorithm

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (25.2.2023)

MOD: Improved maintenance algorithm

ADD: Global events for memory, disk, maintenance and export alerts

FIX: Low memory condition detection

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (9.8.2022)

MOD: Connections - Override priority in incoming and outgoing messages and delivery reports

ADD: Connections - Override incoming external ID with hash

MOD: SMPP and SMPP Server connections - Treat as non-GSM characters option

ADD: Email connection - experimental support for OAuth 2.0

ADD: Header in maintenance export files

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (27.10.2021)

FIX: Bug in GSM AT Connection dialog - Maximum sending rate (introduced in

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (10.08.2021)

FIX: Bug in handling expired incoming multipart messages

Version (28.07.2021)

ADD: Text modifiers - multiply and divide

FIX: Bug in sql text modifier (introduced in

ADD: Command operation - UpdateUserTextParameter

ADD: Text parameters - %MsgAccountNote%, %MsgOriginalAccountNote%, %MsgSendingAccountNote%

ADD: Text parameters - %RuleRouteToName%, %RuleRouteToNote%, %RuleRouteToNameID%

ADD: Text parameters - %MsgRoutedToName%, %MsgRoutedToNote%, %MsgRoutedToID%

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (25.12.2020)

ADD: Test Content Filter dialog

MOD: Content Filter multiple words support

FIX: Content Filter file relative path

ADD: New command operations (enable and disable filter, rule and billing rule)

MOD: Improved Windows 10 compatibility

ADD: Connection dialog - Account tab - Randomize sending order

ADD: Email connection - charset option for composing new emails

MOD: SMPP connection - delivery report requested detection

FIX: SMPP connection - sending content in TLV with MPI info in tag

FIX: Delivery reports for multipart messages bug

ADD: New voting text parameters

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (09.01.2020)

FIX: Bug introduced in with GSM AT connection connecting to the same account

Version (19.11.2019)

MOD: Improved connections queue processing

ADD: Test Time Intervals dialog

REM: Large table caching options / Release P percent of cached records

ADD: Address Book - groups negation and support for speed groups

FIX: Import contacts - bug when using TAB as separator (introduced in

ADD: SMPP and SMPP Server connections - options for passing $FailureInfo in DLR's TLV

MOD: SMPP and SMPP Server connections - Delivery report type

FIX: Email connection - bug with single dot line in incoming email message

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (22.05.2019)

ADD: Support for AWE memory

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (02.05.2019)

MOD: Improved connections queue processing

ADD: System clipboard options

ADD: Main and services export - Additional options

ADD: Text parameters modifier - extract_by_pattern

ADD: HTTP connection option - HTTP temporary errors

FIX: Voting export TimeID value

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (27.12.2018)

FIX: HTTP connection freezing bug introduced in

MOD: Improved connections queue processing

FIX: Large tables caching options

FIX: MsgTag formatting in delivery reports

ADD: Edit Connection - Account tab - DLR Requested value for incoming/outgoing messages

Version (06.12.2018)

ADD: Large tables caching options

ADD: Maintenance delete options (Daily, keep 45, 75, 105 previous days)

ADD: SMPP connection - Override DLR data coding

ADD: HTTP connection - Outgoing - Secure Protocols

ADD: Info Service Setup - Rule - HTTP Request - Secure Protocols

MOD: Chat Center Service - improved sending DLR's to agents

ADD: <ReceiveDLR> operation in command

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (03.09.2018)

FIX: SMPP Connection - Delivery report type TLV bug (introduced in version

Version (23.08.2018)

MOD: Improved handling of incoming multipart messages

ADD: Support for transient delivery reports on sent messages

MOD: Improved reserved group names handling in Address Book

ADD: Show memory info in the main window caption option

ADD: ODBC, Email and Emulator connections - Sending rate option

ADD: SMPP and SMPP Server connections - Custom DLR's option

ADD: EMI/UCP Server connection - support for receiving "MS Message Transfer operation - 30"

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (17.04.2018)

ADD: Support for returning multiple DLR's for multipart messages

ADD: Outbox - Reset Ex option which also resets the DLR Routed Back flag in the Inbox message

MOD: Run when Windows start option improved

ADD: To/From entries - support for numeric range and improved syntax for contact groups

ADD: Conditions in dialogs - Custom condition field

ADD: Command - Message operations parameters - ForwardMsgID and ForwardMsgInternalID

ADD: Message text parameters - %MsgDLRRoutedBack% and %MsgRouteBackDLR%

ADD: Modifiers - set_tag, remove_tag, if_matches, format_bytes and format_metric

MOD: Modifier extract_tag_value_by_name renamed to get_tag_value

FIX: SMPP Server connection - bug in Decimal with TLV delivery report type

ADD: SMPP Server connection option - Add TLV's to tag

FIX: HTTP connection - Conditions in Incoming Specification

MOD: HTTP connection - descriptive text added for standard HTTP error responses

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (17.08.2017)

FIX: Save to Storage / Load from Storage bug (introduced in version

Version (18.07.2017)

ADD: User defined text parameters

ADD: ODBC Data Source dialog - Run SQL - Run from file option

ADD: HTTP Connection - Maximum sockets count option

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (06.04.2017)

MOD: Improved main and service exporting algorithms

MOD: Improved Load from storage and Save to storage options

ADD: Prevent incoming traffic on critical level of resources option

ADD: Number of bytes allowed per named pipe instance limited to 1MB

ADD: Inbox field OriginalAccountID

ADD: Text parameters modifier - utf8mimeqp

ADD: Main menu / Tools / Test data source option

ADD: ODBC Data Source dialog - Permanent errors option

ADD: ODBC Data Source dialog - Run SQL options

ADD: SQL files in Supplemental\Samples folder

ADD: Scripts in Supplemental\Samples folder for PostgreSQL

ADD: GSM AT connection - Use extended DLR status option

MOD: Email connection - improved compose options

ADD: SMPP connection - Max receiving rate option

ADD: SMPP Server connection - Max submitted count option

ADD: SMPP Server connection - Max receiving count option

ADD: SMPP Server connection - Submit timeout option

ADD: SMPP Server connection - Hold on temporary error option

ADD: SMPP Server connection - Temporary errors option

ADD: Service setup dialog - Fold digits in message body option

MOD: Info service - improved SQL module for Run SQL query action

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (24.11.2016)

ADD: Improved exporting to external database

ADD: Initial statements in ODBC Data Source dialog

ADD: Support for Mobily-Stc proprietary encoding in SMPP connections

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (21.10.2016)

FIX: Account already in use bug

FIX: SMPP enquire link bug

FIX: GSM AT, Email and ODBC connections - Collect on connect bug

ADD: Text parameter %TextFromFile%

ADD: DLR's are dispatched to services

ADD: Tag $SMPPDLR_text

MOD: Trace in Inbox from Outbox can find received DLR in Inbox

MOD: Trace in Inbox from Billing can find source message in Inbox

MOD: Improved Test Modifiers dialog

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (03.06.2016)

FIX: Account redirection bug

Version (30.05.2016)

MOD: Internal database version changed

ADD: Automatic conversion of internal SMS Studio files from previous versions

MOD: Reception of multipart messages improved

ADD: Edit Connection - Connection tab - Backup connection option

REM: Edit Connection - Account tab - Connect resolve account option

ADD: Accounts table included in main export

ADD: Retry sending after allows multiple time entries

FIX: Negative delivery reports will not be returned when messages are not accepted

ADD: <SendDLR> operation in command

FIX: Manual delete in the Inbox bug

ADD: Modifiers - escape and unescape

FIX: GSM 7-bit alphabet conversion

FIX: Power/battery info in GSM AT connection

Version (04.04.2016)

ADD: Backup on exit option

ADD: Connection window - Collect messages option

MOD: Separated Collect on connect and Collect every options

MOD: SMPP connection - Hold on temporary error - allowed 0 value

ADD: Text parameter %AccountActivity(id)%

MOD: Services recent list improved

MOD: Improved Outbox resending algorithm

MOD: Improved application closing

Version (18.03.2016)

FIX: Voucher and Chat Center Setup dialog bug

FIX: Application closing bug

FIX: MsgDLRRequested message parameter

FIX: HTTP connection ResponseHeader bug

Version (03.03.2016)

MOD: Improved maintenance speed

MOD: Improved overall application performance

FIX: HTTP Connection - Allow socket reusing

ADD: Outbox - Create Report - SendingAccount section

ADD: Command - File operations - WriteOnly

FIX: AlterTables MySQL sample scripts

Version (12.01.2016)

FIX: Load from storage

Version (24.12.2015)

ADD: HTTP connection - Allow socket reusing

ADD: EMIUCP Server - support for receiving Call Input Operation from client

MOD: Receiving rate algorithm

ADD: TV Chat Profile - Default picture

ADD: TV Chat Service - Moderator instant messages

ADD: %ServiceStatus% text parameter

Version (19.11.2015)

ADD: Select/Add/Edit recipients option in Outbox

ADD: Run command from file

ADD: Message dialog - Import from file

ADD: More time options for maintenance

FIX: $SendingInterval message tag

FIX: Main export log

FIX: Loopback connection DLR

FIX: ODBC Safe string mode was not used in Info Service

Version (05.09.2015)

FIX: Sending DLR with extended status bug

MOD: ODBC Data Source dialog instead of separate options

ADD: Voting Profile - Percentage decimal places

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (27.07.2015)

FIX: Minor bugs and improvements

Version (26.06.2015)

MOD: Internal database version changed

MOD: External database fields changed (see ODBC Changes)

MOD: ExternalID changed to string

MOD: Improved algorithm for resolving sending accounts

MOD: Message tag syntax changed

ADD: $SendingInterval message tag (for advanced scheduling)

ADD: Modifiers - left_string, right_string, increment and decrement

ADD: Support for conditions in Command

FIX: Command operations <Connect> and <Disconnect>

ADD: Tools menu - Test Modifiers dialog and Run Command dialog

ADD: Connections - Forward pattern (for forwarding failed outgoing messages)

ADD: Connections - Ignore priority for incoming/outgoing messages

ADD: GSM AT Connection - Sending rate

ADD: HTTP Connection - Receiving rate, Incoming timeout

ADD: SMPP Connection - Add message to tag (for raw messages)

FIX: Email Connection - Override subject

ADD: Billing rule - Command

ADD: Service inbox tables - Accepted and Completed time fields

Version (23.02.2015)

MOD: External database fields changed (see ODBC Changes)

ADD: HTTP connection - Reject oversized requests

ADD: ODBC can work with DATETIME fields

ADD: Emulator connection - Delivery report requested

ADD: Voucher service - Static reply events

Version (22.12.2014)

FIX: Message box hiding bug

ADD: Support for initialization AT commands in GSM AT connection

ADD: New options in ODBC connection

MOD: Not accepted status returns negative DLR

Version (29.09.2014)

ADD: Email Connection can now extract attachments from received emails

Version (02.08.2014)

MOD: Optimized memory requirements for Load from Storage

MOD: Optimized table view

Version (13.06.2014)

MOD: Internal database version changed

MOD: Improved POP3 logging

ADD: License end date is now displayed in the About Dialog

ADD: Modifiers - append and prepend

ADD: Forward not delivered can now match DLR status

ADD: New menu option to upload ErrorLog files

Version (16.04.2014)

MOD: Internal database version changed

ADD: Support for mulitple recipients in incoming messages

Version (08.04.2014)

FIX: Execute external application bug

Version (12.03.2014)

ADD: SMS Studio can now use up to 4GB of memory on 64-bit operating systems

MOD: SMPP raw messages store content in the message body (instead in the tag)

Version (12.02.2014)

MOD: Internal database version changed

FIX: Maintenance did not properly wait for DLR before deleting Inbox messages

Version (27.12.2013)

MOD: Internal database version changed

ADD: Info Service Setup - Rule - HTTP Request - Ignore certificate errors

ADD: Info Service Setup - Processing - HTTP Concurrency

Version (15.11.2013)

ADD: Emulator Connection - Allow sending

Version (06.11.2013)

MOD: Internal database version changed

ADD: HTTP Connection - Concurrency

ADD: Info Service - Info Inbox - Completed

Version (11.10.2013)

MOD: Internal database version changed

ADD: Billing Rule - Update Credit Account

ADD: Filter - Note

ADD: Info Service - Info Inbox - Action

Version (27.09.2013)

ADD: Support for flash messages in SMPP connection

Version (20.09.2013)

MOD: Main export tables changed

Version (04.09.2013)

MOD: Main export include billing requests

Version (30.08.2013)

ADD: Maintenance - Delete by status

MOD: Emulator Connection

Version (01.08.2013)

MOD: Internal database version changed

MOD: HTTP Connection

ADD: Connection - Do not redirect delivery reports

MOD: Connection - Detect incoming Greek GSM messages

Version (19.07.2013)

MOD: Internal database version changed

ADD: Main options - Named Pipe - Timeout, Instance count

ADD: External Application Connection - Pipe instance count

Version (05.07.2013)

MOD: Internal database version changed

MOD: Maintenance algorithm

ADD: Main options - Apply maintenance to main files

Version (14.06.2013)

MOD: Internal database version changed

Version (16.03.2013)

Initial release


Last update: November 21, 2024