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Software Technologies


SMS Studio

SMS Studio is a messaging gateway designed for running various SMS services.


SMS Studio is a stand-alone Windows application that combines excellent performance with intuitive user interface.


SMS Studio


SMS Studio enables you to exchange SMS messages with many types of Short Message Entities (SME). See Connections for more details about all supported SME types.


In order to process SMS messages, SMS Studio has a number of built-in services:

  • SMS Betting Service enables you to organize various types of betting events.
  • SMS Chat Center Service enables you to run an SMS version of a telephone call center service where remote agents communicate with users.
  • SMS Content Service enables you to deliver predefined SMS messages (ring tones, logos, WAP Push links, etc.) on users requests.
  • SMS Info Service enables you to make custom SMS services in order to provide users with desired information such as news, weather reports, sport events, banking information, etc. It can also be used to create advanced services like SMS games, lottery, quizzes, parking, etc.
  • SMS Mailbox Service enables you to make a simple mailbox for receiving SMS messages.
  • SMS Routing Service enables you to use SMS Studio as an SMS gateway or router by allowing you to route messages between your clients.
  • SMS TV Chat Service enables you to create interactive events by displaying SMS messages on a screen device.
  • SMS Voting Service enables you to make various types of interactive SMS voting events - surveys, opinion polls, quizzes, etc.
  • SMS Voucher Service enables you to make various types of interactive SMS voucher based events - loyalty programs, scratch card games, promotion codes, etc.

SMS Studio can run multiple services simultaneously. Services use filters to decide whether to accept and process incoming messages. As a result services can send replies, trigger events, execute external application, run SQL query, etc.


Some services support the full screen mode. In this mode the displayed picture can occupy any specified part of the Windows desktop.


Main Window    Send Message


Last update: June 15, 2024