CodeSegment CodeSegment
Software Technologies


SMS Studio Features


  • Stand-alone application, no additional software required
  • High performance real time processing
  • Intuitive and customizable user interface
  • Full Unicode support
  • Unlimited message length
  • Real-time exporting and automatic backups
  • Statistical reports
  • Address book with groups and customizable content
  • Integrated Billing module with credit accounts
  • Context sensitive help system
  • Easy integration with external databases and applications


  • Multiple simultaneous connections with SMS centers and GSM modems
  • Auto-reconnect on lost or idle connections
  • Load balancing with parallel connections
  • Resend with another connection on send or delivery failure
  • Inactivity alerts
  • Sender address encryption
  • Multiple recipients in incoming messages


  • Running multiple services simultaneously
  • Filtering received messages based on various criteria
  • Content filtering
  • Automatic parameterized replies to received messages
  • Automatic exporting to external data sources
  • Full screen views with multiple monitors support
  • Smooth scroll (TV Chat)

Last update: June 15, 2024